
The Python MapMatcher package is yet another Python package designed to map-match GPS traces onto a network.

The main difference between this package and other existing solutions is that it is built around AequilibraE, adding a powerful resource to its ecosystem.

Following on the AequilibraE ethos, however, one does not need an AequilibraE model to use MapMatcher to map-match GPS traces to a bespoke link network.


To instal MapMatcher:

>>> pip install mapmatcher


Check out other sections in our documentation!


Case you use MapMatcher, please cite:

P. Camargo, S. Hong, and V. Livshits, ‘Expanding the Uses of Truck GPS Data in Freight Modeling and Planning Activities’, Transportation Research Record, vol. 2646, no. 1, pp. 68–76, Jan. 2017, doi: 10.3141/2646-08.