.. DO NOT EDIT. .. THIS FILE WAS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED BY SPHINX-GALLERY. .. TO MAKE CHANGES, EDIT THE SOURCE PYTHON FILE: .. "_auto_examples/plot_general_example.py" .. LINE NUMBERS ARE GIVEN BELOW. .. only:: html .. note:: :class: sphx-glr-download-link-note :ref:`Go to the end ` to download the full example code. .. rst-class:: sphx-glr-example-title .. _sphx_glr__auto_examples_plot_general_example.py: .. _example_matching_generic_model: Matching with a generic network ================================== .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 11-23 .. code-block:: Python import uuid from os.path import join from tempfile import gettempdir import geopandas as gpd import numpy as np from aequilibrae.utils.create_example import create_example from aequilibrae.paths import Graph from mapmatcher import MapMatcher from mapmatcher.examples import nauru_data .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 25-30 .. code-block:: Python nauru_gps = nauru_data() # Let's see if the data has all the fields we need nauru_gps.head() .. raw:: html
x y timestamp gps_fix_id vehicle_unique_id geometry
0 166.942502 -0.546496 2018-05-09 18:13:56 1 2 POINT (166.9425 -0.5465)
1 166.943424 -0.546774 2018-05-09 18:14:05 2 2 POINT (166.94342 -0.54677)
2 166.943201 -0.547001 2018-05-09 18:14:08 3 2 POINT (166.9432 -0.547)
3 166.940958 -0.549704 2018-05-09 18:14:39 4 2 POINT (166.94096 -0.5497)
4 166.940674 -0.550305 2018-05-09 18:14:45 5 2 POINT (166.94067 -0.5503)

.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 31-32 Since it does not, let's fix it .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 32-34 .. code-block:: Python nauru_gps.rename(columns={"x": "longitude", "y": "latitude", "vehicle_unique_id": "trace_id"}, inplace=True) .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 35-36 Let's get a Nauru example from AequilibraE and extract the link network from it .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 36-43 .. code-block:: Python project = create_example(join(gettempdir(), uuid.uuid4().hex), "nauru") sql = "SELECT link_id, a_node, b_node, direction, distance, Hex(ST_AsBinary(geometry)) as geom FROM links" gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_postgis(sql, project.conn, geom_col="geom", crs=4326) gdf.head() .. raw:: html
link_id a_node b_node direction distance geom
0 1 2 1 0 440.126443 LINESTRING (166.93718 -0.52822, 166.93689 -0.5...
1 2 4 3 0 97.588811 LINESTRING (166.9364 -0.50389, 166.93625 -0.50...
2 3 5 4 0 44.419756 LINESTRING (166.93604 -0.50376, 166.9363 -0.50...
3 4 4 6 0 34.209608 LINESTRING (166.9364 -0.50389, 166.93659 -0.50...
4 5 6 7 0 14.783125 LINESTRING (166.93669 -0.504, 166.93678 -0.50409)

.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 44-47 Let's build a graph with the network. For that, you need ta few key fields in the network: [link_id, a_node, b_node, direction] You also need a cost field for your graph, which is *distance* in our case .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 47-60 .. code-block:: Python g = Graph() g.cost = gdf["distance"].to_numpy() g.network = gdf # Let's say nodes 1 through 133 are centroids g.prepare_graph(centroids=np.arange(133) + 1) g.set_graph("distance") g.set_skimming(["distance"]) g.set_blocked_centroid_flows(False) .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 61-62 let's build the map-matcher object and run it! .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 62-69 .. code-block:: Python mmatcher = MapMatcher() mmatcher.load_network(graph=g, links=gdf) mmatcher.load_gps_traces(nauru_gps) # Let's run it single-threaded mmatcher.map_match(parallel_threads=1) .. rst-class:: sphx-glr-script-out .. code-block:: none building trips: 0%| | 0/100 [00:00
Make this Notebook Trusted to load map: File -> Trust Notebook

.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 115-116 .. code-block:: Python trip.result .. raw:: html
links direction milepost geometry
0 1228 -1 1124.584887 LINESTRING (166.92574 -0.51213, 166.92589 -0.5...
1 910 1 1175.350264 LINESTRING (166.92574 -0.51213, 166.92542 -0.5...
2 911 1 1194.939370 LINESTRING (166.92542 -0.51246, 166.9253 -0.51...
3 912 1 1201.665519 LINESTRING (166.9253 -0.51258, 166.92488 -0.51...
4 1240 1 1208.386598 LINESTRING (166.92488 -0.51302, 166.92511 -0.5...
5 1240 -1 1215.107678 LINESTRING (166.92488 -0.51302, 166.92511 -0.5...
6 913 1 1276.267386 LINESTRING (166.92488 -0.51302, 166.92451 -0.5...
7 914 1 1290.152053 LINESTRING (166.92451 -0.51343, 166.92443 -0.5...
8 915 1 1292.893482 LINESTRING (166.92443 -0.51353, 166.92426 -0.5...
9 916 1 1344.025141 LINESTRING (166.92426 -0.5137, 166.92394 -0.51...
10 917 1 1416.300787 LINESTRING (166.92394 -0.51404, 166.9235 -0.51...
11 918 1 1423.168806 LINESTRING (166.9235 -0.51452, 166.92308 -0.51...
12 919 1 1437.002929 LINESTRING (166.92308 -0.51497, 166.92299 -0.5...
13 920 1 1452.636599 LINESTRING (166.92299 -0.51507, 166.9229 -0.51...
14 921 1 1488.030956 LINESTRING (166.9229 -0.51517, 166.92268 -0.51...
15 922 1 1523.208037 LINESTRING (166.92268 -0.51541, 166.9225 -0.51...
16 923 1 1568.370584 LINESTRING (166.9225 -0.51567, 166.92231 -0.51...
17 924 1 1599.011011 LINESTRING (166.92231 -0.51603, 166.92218 -0.5...
18 925 1 1601.218148 LINESTRING (166.92218 -0.51627, 166.92206 -0.5...
19 926 1 1638.344782 LINESTRING (166.92206 -0.51643, 166.92183 -0.5...
20 927 1 1671.654432 LINESTRING (166.92183 -0.51667, 166.9216 -0.51...
21 1116 -1 1682.671559 LINESTRING (166.92088 -0.51726, 166.92091 -0.5...
22 1226 -1 1693.861510 LINESTRING (166.9206 -0.51753, 166.92047 -0.51...
23 931 1 1706.166402 LINESTRING (166.9206 -0.51753, 166.9205 -0.51758)
24 932 1 1755.165865 LINESTRING (166.9205 -0.51758, 166.92014 -0.51...
25 933 1 1768.063688 LINESTRING (166.92014 -0.51784, 166.91926 -0.5...
26 934 1 1775.853776 LINESTRING (166.91926 -0.51859, 166.91878 -0.5...
27 935 1 1779.828479 LINESTRING (166.91878 -0.5191, 166.91854 -0.51...
28 936 1 1800.035146 LINESTRING (166.91854 -0.51937, 166.91842 -0.5...
29 937 1 1820.835860 LINESTRING (166.91842 -0.5195, 166.91828 -0.51...
30 938 1 1828.613960 LINESTRING (166.91828 -0.51963, 166.9177 -0.52...
31 939 1 1906.245998 LINESTRING (166.9177 -0.52003, 166.91715 -0.52...
32 940 1 1964.071072 LINESTRING (166.91715 -0.52046, 166.91675 -0.5...
33 941 1 2047.465681 LINESTRING (166.91675 -0.5208, 166.91617 -0.52...
34 942 1 2054.335952 LINESTRING (166.91617 -0.52127, 166.9157 -0.52...
35 943 1 2061.268315 LINESTRING (166.9157 -0.52167, 166.91565 -0.52...
36 944 1 2116.540548 LINESTRING (166.91565 -0.52171, 166.91527 -0.5...
37 945 1 2144.694510 LINESTRING (166.91527 -0.52203, 166.91507 -0.5...
38 946 1 2172.066185 LINESTRING (166.91507 -0.52219, 166.9149 -0.52...
39 947 1 2199.383492 LINESTRING (166.9149 -0.52237, 166.91476 -0.52...
40 948 1 2202.123860 LINESTRING (166.91476 -0.52257, 166.91464 -0.5...
41 949 1 2205.246512 LINESTRING (166.91464 -0.52279, 166.91454 -0.5...
42 950 1 2236.437781 LINESTRING (166.91454 -0.52305, 166.91443 -0.5...
43 951 1 2239.368459 LINESTRING (166.91443 -0.52331, 166.91438 -0.5...

.. rst-class:: sphx-glr-timing **Total running time of the script:** (0 minutes 11.303 seconds) .. _sphx_glr_download__auto_examples_plot_general_example.py: .. only:: html .. container:: sphx-glr-footer sphx-glr-footer-example .. container:: sphx-glr-download sphx-glr-download-jupyter :download:`Download Jupyter notebook: plot_general_example.ipynb ` .. container:: sphx-glr-download sphx-glr-download-python :download:`Download Python source code: plot_general_example.py ` .. container:: sphx-glr-download sphx-glr-download-zip :download:`Download zipped: plot_general_example.zip ` .. only:: html .. rst-class:: sphx-glr-signature `Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery `_